Sunday, November 18, 2012

Possible Procedure on Tuesday

Graham had a cardiologist appointment this past Friday. He weighed 10lbs 3oz! What a big boy! His blood oxygen levels are back down into the 80s. The doctor says Graham's condition is kind of in between the two normal scenarios of babies with TOF... some babies are severe enough that they have the shunt put in early and then the corrective surgery at around 6 months and other babies are mild enough that they have only the corrective surgery at 3 or 4 months. Graham is in the middle. The doctor is suggesting that they use a catheter to put a balloon in his pulmonary artery to expand it to allow more blood to flow to the lungs for oxygen. This procedure could buy us time to get Graham to the full corrective surgery. The doc mentioned doing the surgery in mid-December. Even though Graham will only be 2.5 months old, the doc said he will be the size of a 3 to 4 month baby because he is gaining weight so well!

The cardiologists and surgeon meet on Monday afternoons to discuss cases and they will discuss Graham's case. We will get a call Monday evening telling us whether or not to come in on Tuesday for the catheter procedure. He will go under anesthesia but should only be in the hospital for a day if all goes well. Please pray for wisdom for the doctors and surgeon as they decide how best to care for Graham. Pray that if he has the procedure that it is successful with no complications. I know that it is the prayers of many that have allowed Graham to do this well so far and to gain weight so well. Thank you for your prayers. God has been good to us. Pray for us to continue to trust Him and have peace as things start to get real as we move towards procedures/surgery.

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