Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Bottoms Up!

BREAKING NEWS: Graham is drinking from a sippy cup! Over Christmas vacation Graham started wanting to drink from my cup, so I tried him on the Avent Natural Drinking Cup, which I had gotten him for Christmas, with cow's milk. He took to it instantly, but the cup made a huge mess with milk pouring everywhere. After a few days of drinking from this cup I decided to try a sippy cup, the Take & Toss, that has no valve and he has been drinking from that at all three meals ever since! He is so into the milk that he spends more time drinking milk than eating at most meals. He still is not very efficient so we have to change milk soaked clothes 3 times a day. He chomps at the spout with his teeth and allows the milk to pool in his mouth before gulping, instead of closing his lips around the spout and sucking. But I could not be more thrilled. Graham has never taken bottle or sippy cup in 15 months, and then all of sudden. A CHRISTMAS MIRACLE. Perhaps I will be able to wean him before kindergarten after all! ;)

Here is a video of Graham drinking from the cup.

Here are few pics of the happy drinker.

You would think he would choke like this, but he actually spills less milk and swallows well. And it is working his neck muscles!


  1. Woop! Woop! Great post! The last pic makes me laugh. Yay for this Christmas miracle!

  2. Those cups are a brilliant design and it is wonderful he likes them. Such a happy baby :)

  3. Such a grown-up boy!!!! Hooray for Graham! (that last picture has me chuckling quite a lot... such a cutie!!!)
