Thursday, February 13, 2014


Graham (16 months) has recently started scooting on his bottom. He is thrilled that he can move a little and loves being on the smooth kitchen floor. He is chasing the dog and has made it to the dog's water bowl twice. A little taste of what it will be like once he is truly mobile! Scooting is not such a good thing for his development because we want him to crawl, not scoot. But at least he is interested in moving! Here are a couple videos of the happy scooter:


  1. I grinned ear to ear the whole time I watched these! I love Graham's smile, laugh, spatulas, and hearing your commentary- it sounds so familiar! Go, Graham, go!

  2. Awww, love Graham's laugh, you can tell he's just so delighted with himself.

    Also loved Jet's reaction, and the look he gives the camera in the last video, like, "Seriously? I like him better non-mobile, Mom." LOL
