Monday, February 4, 2013

4 Months Old!

Graham is 4 months old. My how time flies! He had his 4 month doctor's appointment today. He weighs 13lbs 2 oz and is in the 25th percentile for height and weight. The doctors are very pleased with his weight gain. Graham's eating and sleeping schedule did not mesh well with his 3:00pm appointment time and so he arrived at the doctor's tired and hungry. Oops. He fussed during the whole check-up and so I was so distracted I forgot to ask any of the questions I went with. He got 2 shots and was inconsolable afterwards. He was screaming so hard he wouldn't even eat. Poor baby. I stayed in the doctor's office for at least 45 minutes after the we saw the doctor. I eventually got Graham calmed down and then fed him and then we headed out. I haven't heard him scream like that since right before he had to be intubated because he couldn't breathe in the hospital.

So what to document about 4 months old... Graham is talking and laughing all the time and we just love it! He enjoys being on his play mat and hates being put on his tummy. He is on the verge of rolling over from back to tummy. He loves staring at any light. He loves putting his hands in his mouth. His head is still a little wobbly and he mostly grabs things only by accident. He still wants to eat about every 2 hours. He eats, stays awake about an hour before getting fussy and going down (with a fight) for a one hour nap.

He is still waking to eat once during the night (between 10pm and 6am medicine and feeding times). The doctor says he may not be able to eat enough in one feeding (before tiring out due to his heart condition) to sleep much longer. This may be possible but he doesn't seem to get too tired while eating. I know lots of parents do "sleep training" where they let their babies "cry it out" but I am wary of doing this, not wanting Graham to have trouble breathing when he cries too hard for too long. Maybe one day he will sleep through the night! We can work on it more after his surgery. Being in the hospital for at least a week will ruin any schedule he is on anyway.

Here are Graham's 4 month pictures and one sweet picture with his daddy.

1 comment:

  1. Awww :)

    Be ready for him to make that flip from back to tummy and then get really mad that he's on his tummy, if he's hating tummy time! :)
