Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Myrtle Beach Trip with Laneys - Pictures!

The Laneys all went down to Myrtle Beach for a few days the week of Labor Day. Even Robin and Nathan and Noah came down from Boston. We had lots of fun at the beach and the pool. Here are a few pictures.

(Why can't blogger rotate pictures? So annoying!)

Graham liked the lazy river! One advantage to him not being mobile yet, is he is content to do things like this.

Matt and I stayed a few days after his family left. We ate at a restaurant named after Graham. The food was great too.

Melanie had the grandkids pictures taken at a studio. Graham was mostly miserable during the photo shoot but we got a few decent ones.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures, Liz! I love the second one from the bottom. How cute is that face?!
