Monday, October 14, 2013

Health Update

One Year Pediatrician Appointment
Last Tuesday Graham had his one year pediatrician appointment. He got four shots, including the flu shot, and a finger prick. They always do the shots last but the nurse wanted to do the finger prick before the doctor came in so they could be running the iron test and I just knew Graham would lose his mind. He did not wince nor whimper for the finger prick! I couldn't believe it. he just sat there and stared at the nurse while she squeezed his finger to get a few drops of blood. Then when the doctor came in he screamed while he listened to his heart and looked in his ears. Go figure. He weighed 17lbs 10oz (4%), was 28.6 inches long (10%), and his head circumference was 48cm (93%). He has barely gained weight since his 9 month appointment and his head is huge, but the doctor wasn't concerned about either. The cardiologist decided Graham doesn't need the synagis shots to protect against RSV this year, so that is a relief. Last year he had them monthly October - February and they are expensive.

The pediatrician finally referred us to Child Development Services Agency for evaluation and possible therapy. Graham has global developmental delays and possible speech delays. He probably should have been therapy for months now, but none of his doctors have really been able to determine why he is behind and if he needed it. I am glad to finally be going down this route because I want to see Graham improve.

Graham had a sedated MRI last Thursday. Matt was out of town for work so my mom came up to be there with us. It was a long day which started with a phone call informing me that we were supposed to be at the hospital at 6am and not 8am and then crazy traffic because of the rain. Graham did great. Even though we got bumped Graham remained content without eating and we still made the neurosurgeon appointment. The MRI looked about the same as the one done in May but the doctor wants to go ahead with surgery. She was stressing how vulnerable Graham is to trauma in his current state. If he were to experience serious whip lash his spinal cord could be severely injured. So Graham will have surgery on his spine on November 15. 

Cardiologist Appointment
Today Graham went to the cardiologist for the first time since April. They did an echo while Graham screamed in my lap. We both had ultrasound gel all over us! His heart looks fine and we don't have to go back for a year! Praise the Lord.

My poor guy has been a trooper this past week! He has bruised thighs from the shots and bruised hand and foot from IVs for the MRI but he is doing well. I am watching him sleep on the monitor as I write this and I am just so thankful for him and love him so much!

1 comment:

  1. Such a sweet boy. Good to hear more details from his appointments. We sure love him and his parents.
