Sunday, November 17, 2013

Rough day

Graham has been mostly inconsolable all day. Not even holding him or riding in the wagon soothes him. We are giving him every constipation medicine known to man. He finally got an enema early afternoon and pooped some. Matt and I and all the grandparents are exhausted from walking with him and holding him and listening to him cry. Please pray for relief for Graham's constipation and for endurance for us as we care for him. Any strong backs to walk a crying baby through the halls are welcome. 


  1. Liz have a cold today...if it gets better I will visit later in week. love you and am praying for you all

  2. I am so sorry G has had this trouble and know it is the pain meds--they do that--praying for a solution and for stamina for you all. Dixie
