Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Great Cardiologist Appointment Today!

First of all Graham weighed 8lbs 11oz today! He gained a pound in 10 days! Thanks for your prayers for nursing to go well. Graham's blood oxygen levels were back in the low 90s, which is a good thing. They did another echo (ultrasound of the heart) to see how the blood is moving in and out of the heart. The doc decided to put Graham on a medicine, Propranolol, which adults use for high blood pressure. This should help his heart allow more blood to flow to his lungs for oxygen. He has to take it 3 times a day. He has taken gas drops and vitamins well so hopefully he will take this medicine well too. Today the doc seemed to consider the possibility that Graham could hold out for the full corrective surgery if he continues to do this well. Previously he seemed to think that we would have to do a temporary surgery before he was big enough for the full surgery. We are encouraged and praising God for the good report! We don't have to go back to the cardiologist for two and a half weeks. Thank you for your continued prayers, they are working!

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