Friday, October 12, 2012

The Birth Story

My water broke at 4:45am October 2, nine days before my due date. They say that you won't actually experience a gushing of fluid like you see in the movies... well I did. Gross. I called the doctor and woke up Matt. We didn't have a bag packed or anything. So we begin gathering things and ate some breakfast. An hour passed and I hadn't gotten a call back from the doctor. So I called again. Finally the doctor called back, she had been in a c-section, and she said to make our way to the hospital. I was in no hurry to get to the hospital because I was dreading what was about to happen, but Matt was anxious to get there. We straightened up the house a little, knowing we would return home with visitors, and eventually left for the hospital.

We got there at about 7am and when they checked me in triage I was already 4cm dilated, having felt no contractions! I was admitted to the hospital after getting my IV, during which Matt and I both almost passed out as blood spewed all over the bed and floor. The doctor wanted to start me on Pitocin to get contractions going. I asked to wait a while and Matt and I walked around for a while to try and get things going naturally.

Two hours later, about 12 noon, I was still at 4cm so I agreed to start Pitocin. Then the pain began as contractions started. After 2 hours of contractions I was at 7cm and an hour later I was at 10cm. Thank God things moved quickly. I did not get an epidural because things were moving quickly and I was tolerating the pain. I did get an injection of some pain medication in my IV that helped for about 2 contractions. I pushed for 2 hours and at 5:38pm Graham was born! He came out face up, which contributed to the lengthy pushing time.

Matt was a great labor partner. When Graham was finally here, Matt was very emotional. I wasn't really, I think I was just still in shock of what just happened to my body! We also had a student nurse who attended the birth and she was great. Since she had no official duty she handed me water, held my left leg, and took pictures! I am so thankful to God that labor went quickly and without complications! An answer to prayer.

Welcome to the world, Graham Wilson Laney!!!

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