Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Out of the PICU!

Well, yesterday was a long and stressful day. The pacing wires, chest tube, and neck IV were all removed. It is possible that the most painful part was removing tape. This poor kid is covered in adhesive. They put an IV in his foot which apparently was quite the ordeal. I was showering at the RMcD House during that part. After all this Graham got moved to the CICC (Children's Intermediate Cardiac Care).

Matt went home last night so he could go to work today. My mom stayed the night with Graham and I slept at the RMcD House. He didn't eat all night and was quite fussy. This morning they stuck him 3 times trying to draw blood. In the PICU they took blood from the port in his neck, but now that is out so they have to stick him. His biggest trouble now is his tummy. He is having lots of tummy pain and doesn't want to eat. They are still considering a feeding tube as well as exploring what might be troubling his tummy. He has eaten small amounts from the breast a couple times today and we are hoping that will continue. The CICC is much more quiet than the PICU and the nurses don't bother him as often so he is able to get some rest. He even gave a us a few smiles and played with a toy for a bit.

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