Friday, March 1, 2013

So that the works of God might be displayed

I like to read to Graham from the Beginner's Bible. Recently we read the story of Jesus healing the blind man. The disciples ask Jesus why the man was born blind and He replies "This happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him. (John 9:3)" As I read this I thought about how the works and glory of God have and will be displayed in Graham's life because he was born with a heart defect.

Sometimes people are prone to wonder why certain trials happen to them. The answer is simple, so that God might be glorified. It may be the surgeon who fixes Graham's heart but it is the Lord who will get the glory. It is the Lord who allowed intelligent humans to make such medical procedures possible. It is the Lord who created the human body that can survive open heart surgery. It is the Lord who will give our family strength and hope during the surgery and recovery. It is the Lord who will sustain us should things go wrong.

I did not expect the Lord to speak to me from a children's story Bible! But God's Word is alive and powerful in any form! Thanks be to God.

We met with the surgeon on Friday and I will post more details about the upcoming surgery soon.

1 comment:

  1. It never ceases to amaze me how much and how often God speaks to me through/because of my kiddos.
