Friday, March 15, 2013


Graham went to the pediatrician yesterday to get his Synagis shot (to protect against RSV). He weighed 14lbs 10oz! And... the doctor confirmed that Graham's bottom 2 teeth are about to make an appearance. I can just barely feel one of them. I think it's a little unfortunate that he is teething before he has the hand control to hold a teething toy in his mouth right where he wants it. He is getting there though. He's growing up so fast!

In other news, Graham is having some difficulty pooping. (Won't he be so glad I blogged this when he's older?) Lots of grunting and pains. It is interfering with eating and sleeping at times. But the doctor said that unless the consistency is really abnormal then not to worry about it. He is still just on breast milk. I thought that the flavoring the pharmacist added to his medicine might be causing the problems. But the doctor said if anything it would cause the opposite problem. I bought some apple/prune juice today. I may try it. Not sure. I will have to give it to him with a dropper since he still won't take a bottle.


  1. Rebekah had the same problem for a while (and still does occasionally) when she was about Graham's age. That apple/prune juice is MAGICAL, lemme tell ya! We had her taking a half bottle/day to keep her on track for a good 3-4 months.

    1. Good to know! When should I give it to him? With a feeding or in between? Did Rebekah like it? Maybe he will like it and decide to like the bottle! Although we tried mixing his medicine with apple juice and that didn't work.

    2. Well, we did it in between meals and, when she got a tad older and was eating solids, we'd do it then. She wasn't much of a bottle baby either (I think she had a bottle maybe 5x total in her life and it was fairly unpleasant for whoever was taking care of her), but she was willing to take the juice once she tasted it. After a while, when she was on the half-bottle-day maintenance plan, we put it in a sippy cup with a straw and diluted it with water. That was when she was around 6 months old.
